Online Journal Studies in Japanese Literature and Culture
Online ISSN 2434-1606
Volume 5 (2022)
Published online 28 March 2022CONTENTS
International Collaborative Research Project
“Arising from Words and Images: The Body in Traditional Performing Arts”
Intertextuality and Corporality in Chikamatsu Monzaemon’s Shutendōji makurakotoba
Bonaventura RUPERTI(ボナヴェントゥーラ・ルペルティ)
DOI : 10.7221/sjlc05.001.0
pages(1-25) 15.46MB -
The Water Mirror Motif in the Noh Play Izutsu : Continuation and Variation of a Classical Theme
SAGIYAMA Ikuko(鷺山 郁子)
Translated by Michael BURTSCHER
DOI : 10.7221/sjlc05.027.0
pages(27-45) 8.95MB -
Physical Imitations of the Deva King Statue: Performances of Kabuki in the Seventeenth Century
TAKEI Kyōzō(武井 協三)
Translated by Tove BJÖRK
DOI : 10.7221/sjlc05.047.0
pages(47-54) 7.22MB -
Textual Heritage Embodied: Entanglements of Tangible and Intangible in the Aoi no ue utaibon of the Hōshō School of Noh
Edoardo GERLINI(エドアルド・ジェルリーニ)
DOI : 10.7221/sjlc05.055.0
pages(55-85) 8.14MB -
Sakura Sōgorō between Kabuki and Kōdan : A Cross-Genre Genealogy
Stefano ROMAGNOLI(ステファノ・ロマニョーリ)
DOI : 10.7221/sjlc05.087.0
pages(87-106) 8.52MB -
The Sound, the Body, the Classics: Nagai Kafū and Traditional Theater
Gala Maria FOLLACO(ガラ・マリア・フォッラコ)
DOI : 10.7221/sjlc05.107.0
pages(107-129) 10.79MB
Sōgi’s Problem Passages : Exegetical Method and the Idea of the Text
Jeffrey KNOTT(ジェフリー・ノット)
DOI : 10.7221/sjlc05.131.0
pages(131-166) 10.1MB -
The Reception and Reworking of Empress Renxiao’s Book of Exhortations : Chinese Works in Japan as Mediated through Printed Buddhist Texts
KIMURA Michiko(木村 迪子)
DOI : 10.7221/sjlc05.167.0
pages(167-186) 6.95MB - SUBMISSION GUIDELINES 1.78KB